Monday, February 25, 2008

Methods for Increasing Student Learning and Success

Karen Hornsby (NC A&T) presented an interesting session on a strategy that she learned from Barbara Millis to increase student learning and success. Much of the session focused on a collaborative learning technique which places students in groups (with designated roles) to complete assignments. These groups are continued throughout the semester. I found this technique to be interesting and have tried to implement it in one of my classes. I know that it will take some time for the students to get used to, but I am already experiencing some social loafing and complaining within the groups. That doesn't really bother me because I keep reiterating the purpose and the benefits of the groups. I went back and read some of the suggestions given by Barbara Millis and Karen Hornsby, and I'm confident that the groups will see the 'big picture' soon. Additionally, Dr. Hornsby talked about a focus group technique they used to try and get to the root of the challenges of those students who were not passing a certain class. I have asked those of us who teach a general psychology class to think about asking for some focus groups to address issues that students in the D/F range are having. This is in hopes of addressing what we can, and maybe re-thinking how our general classes are presented and assessed. Overall, I thought it was a very interesting and informative session. I will definitely look into more articles/suggestions/techniques used by Drs. Millis & Hornsby.

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