Thursday, October 2, 2008

Beyond Wrestling: Using Sumo Bots in the CS Classroom

I attended the UNC Teaching and Learning Conference in Raleigh, NC on March 12-14, 2008. A colleague and I presented "Beyond Wrestling: Using Sumo Bots in the Computer Science Classroom". Our emphasis was on showing new and evolving trends in using technology to engage our "net generation" students.

What I learned as I attended other sessions was that the ever changing technology is dictating changes we as instructors need to incorporate in our classrooms. We need to evaluate new tools and software on a constant basis to make sure we are keeping up with this technological changing world for our students. We saw instant assessment tools, social networking sites, blogs and other things being incorporated into the classroom. The most prominant thing for me was the realization that we could become the dinasaur teacher quickly if we are not willing to change and adapt.

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